Well it's that time of year again! The time when parents go crazy to dress their kids up as some cute but unrecognizable character or cartoon. Alas, I am no exception. I must admit that I was so excited to get the kids dressed up in their costumes and go out to trick-or treat and see the decorated houses in the neighborhood. The great thing is that Miles is finally old enough to really participate in the Halloween activities and Savannah is to young to complain about the costume I picked out! Clearly, Wes and I are living vicariously through the kids - we certainly had more fun than either of them did (although Miles was a close second and Savannah actually fell asleep!). I mean Miles wouldn't even go up to anyone to say "trick-or-treat - I think he really took that whole "don't take candy from strangers" thing very seriously (he actually listens when I talk - who knew!)
And another thing - I honestly, I never knew how popular Spiderman was for a Halloween costume. There were 3 of them in Miles' class and there must have been at least 2 dozen or so out on the street on Halloween night. But in true male fashion he didn't care the someone else had his outfit on :-)
And FYI - Savannah was a bumble bee - not the butterfly or a fairy as people kept mistaking her for! I was actually a little put out that people didn't recognize my hard work in getting the bee costume together - you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get black tights on to a squirming 5-month old!!
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