Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Teething Already!

For some reason I thought I'd have plenty of time until I had to deal with teething. I feel like Miles didn't start teething until he was about 6 months but I guess every child is different. Anyway, this teething has turned my normally laid back child in to a terror! As long as you feed Savannah she's usually pretty chilled out - to date she hasn't been a fussy baby. But I guess her budding teeth are just so uncomfortable that she has to make the rest of us uncomfortable as well! According to her pediatrician we'll all just have to suffer through it. At least now she has figured out how to get her entire hand and some toes in to her mouth for some temporary refief. And the funniest part is that Miles has learned how to turn up the volume on the TV to drown out Savannah's crying!! Gotta love it!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Here are some pics of Miles joining Savannah on the floor for some tummy-time. It's great to have Miles as a helper - as you can see he's always game to crawl around on the floor and help Savannah find her way. Two weeks ago we found out that Savannah can actually turn over from her tummy on to her back! Wes and I were so excited about this new development but Miles couldn't figure out what the big deal was - as he told me - he turns over all the time!!

Savannah's latest developments

Savannah tried cereal for the first time this week! Once again we broke out the ever famous high chair so that my baby-girl could have her first bit of solid food! As excited as I was about it I have to say that it was a bit anticlimatcic. Miles wanted to know what Savannah was doing in his old high chair and Savannah seemed to just be okay with the whole cereal thing. There was more cereal on the bib than in her mouth but she seemed content to indulge Mommy's enthusiasm for the whole experience.


Well life is full of transitions... from very early on we learn to deal with them and keep on moving. Well Miles Boogie had a very important transition occur in September, which was his 'graduation' from his old class at daycare. Miles has now moved in to what we call "the big boy room" - he has some new classmates and a completely new set of teachers. I have to say that this was a very difficult adjustment for him at first but like most kids he is very resilient and is handling it like a pro. He went from crying and clinging to my legs as I tried to leave to barely having time to give me a kiss and say 'bye mommy' as he pushed me out the door!

But you know it wasn't just Miles that had a major transition - Mommy had one as well. In addition to dealing with the stress of wondering wether Miles was okay in his new class, Savannah also started at the same daycare. All the teachers and the director joke that I'll be the one who needs the most help with dealing with all of these changes!!! And I have to say that's proven to be true. While in essence Savannah's transition to daycare was easier than Miles' (after all, as long as I leave some food and pampers she's all good!) My reaction to leaving my 3-month old baby at daycare was nothing short of catastrophic for me. All the tears and guilt had me feeling like a walking, babbling mess! But alas, we all got through it relatively unscathed and everybody seems happy with the new arrangement. I wasn't totally able to let go of Savannah (she's home with me a couple days a week) but our situation is working for us right now. I guess I've lived to fight another day - or at least until the next major life transition for the kids!

Finding Time...

Is it me or are there just never enough hours in the day!! I mean sometimes it seems like we re just running from one appointment to another and not really stopping to enjoy life... When you have kids keeping to a routine is essential but sometimes that routine can be suffocating - I mean you get up, get the kids dressed, feed the kids, get yourself dressed, walk the dog, hurry to get the kids to daycare, go to work, work straight through lunch, pick up the kids, hit the park on the way home, walk the dog (again!), give baths/ put on pajamas. cook/eat dinner, put the kids to bed, take out the garbage, fall asleep on the couch and then get up and do it all again the next day!!!

Whew!!! It's no wonder that we're all beat!

I'm baaaaack!!

Well, as my husband has so helpfully pointed out I have been remiss in my blogging duties. Honestly, it's been so tough just keeping up with everyone and I've been so sleep deprived that whenever I have a spare moment I go to sleep!! But I think we've finally found our new rythm and I'm back in effect now!

Both of the kids have grown and changed so much over the summer and it amazes me just how fast time has passed. Miss Savannah Bea is looking like a real little girl now and Miles Boogie is a miniature version of his Dad! They both make life so interesting!